Thankful for the Moment

For many of you, the holidays were a bittersweet mixture of moments and emotions. Every year the holiday season is often tough for many families due to recent deaths of loved ones, family, and friends. The “firsts” following the death of a loved one are typically rough for those of us left behind. There are times in life it seems that words are just not enough. This may feel true, but it’s still extremely important to find support in your grief and lean on another in times of pain and hurt and while sorrow may linger, remember to find thankfulness in each present moment. Treasure the ones still with us here today. Remember that it’s always ok to laugh, remember, cry, pray, but don’t forget to be thankful for the moment. Be intentionally attentive to each moment. Look to see. Listen to hear. Touch to feel. Speak to connect. Love to care. And be thankful for the moment. You have the freedom to choose whether to merely endure life or to enthusiastically embrace life. Vow to squeeze the LIFE out of every moment. To seek the sacred in the ordinary. To greet every day with an open mind and open heart. To invest in people. Choose to be thankful for THIS moment and to use it for the betterment of yourself and others.