New Thanksgiving Traditions
How does your family spend Thanksgiving? Do you have special traditions that your family participates in every year? For some families, football is just as popular of a tradition as turkey and pie. Traditions can be very important to families because they bring an opportunity for bonding, a special event to look forward to each year, and create memories to last a lifetime.

If your family is looking to incorporate some new family traditions, we’ve created a good starter list for you.
[if !supportLists]1. Give thanks. This can be an important tradition that families can share in unique ways. Some may take turns and go around the dinner table and share why they’re thankful or what they’re thankful for that has happened in the past year, while others may show their thankfulness through a special Thanksgiving prayer before dinner.
[if !supportLists]2. Thanksgiving parades. Many households tune in to the big Thanksgiving parade on TV each year on Thanksgiving morning. Children love seeing all the fun floats, characters, dancing, and music involved.
[if !supportLists]3. Wishbone Wishes. Breaking the wishbone and making a wish is a popular family tradition that goes hand in hand with the traditional turkey meal.
[if !supportLists]4. Family storytelling. Take time to allow every family member a chance to shine. Let them tell an important story or life event for the year. Give that person and their story full attention!
[if !supportLists]5. Go for a drive or walk. A great opportunity for bonding could include an afternoon walk or stroll around the neighborhood or park after lunch. Spend time enjoying the beautiful changing colors of the season. Bring a cozy sweater and a cup of hot chocolate along for the ride or stroll.
[if !supportLists]6. Take in a football game. For our north Alabama area, the big game involves football teams Alabama and Auburn who this year can be seen on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
[if !supportLists]7. Share the family history. Have the elders of the family tell about the family history. Many families don’t have many opportunities to gather all together very often and Thanksgiving may be the perfect time for everyone to learn and take in the family history all at once.