4 Tips to Quit Smoking as a Senior Citizen
Smoking is one of the largest health crises affecting our society. Of course, smoking is a personal choice, but some people just need help to quit smoking. Smoking can be an incredibly difficult habit to break since it becomes a physical and mental addiction. This is especially true for senior citizens who are still smoking, as it has been a habit for so long. Fortunately, there are many things that senior citizens can do to help them quit smoking.
How To Quit Smoking For many people, an important first step to quitting smoking is to make a firm decision to stop. You can even set a date to quit. Prior to this date, seniors should put together a plan to help them deal with cravings and potential triggers. If you’re wondering how to quit smoking, start small and take these first steps:
#1 Talk to Your Doctor A great first step for seniors is to consult with their doctor. Their doctor will evaluate how a senior's health is impacted by smoking. Then, they'll evaluate the best way to move forward. #2 Seek Out Counseling Some seniors may need additional help in quitting, which is where individual or group counseling can help. Counseling can help individuals sort through difficulties with quitting or the stress associated with it. #3 Engage In Physical Activity Exercise can be a great way to help the body recover from the harmful effects of smoking. It also helps the senior find a healthy outlet for stress, cravings, and triggers. #4 Download A Quitting App A quit-tracking app may be incredibly helpful for tech-savvy seniors. These apps are great for helping you take the process one step at a time. You can also see your progress throughout the quitting journey. When you’re able to look and see how many days you have not smoked, it will feel deeply rewarding. This will give you renewed confidence and pride in what you have achieved.
Dealing With Withdrawal Dealing with nicotine withdrawal is often quite difficult and it can lead to relapses. This is why some seniors may benefit from using medications that can decrease symptoms of withdrawal. These kinds of medications or supplements include nicotine gum, patches, inhaler, nasal spray, and more. Of course, these steps may not necessarily be the best way to quit smoking for every senior. Quitting smoking is a deeply personal process. The same method won’t work for every person. This is why consulting with a doctor is always a good idea. The physician will be able to put together a quit plan that is sustainable and suits your needs.
The Benefits of Quitting Smoking Smoking causes damage to the body in many different ways and areas. Fortunately, much of this damage can be healed by quitting. Of course, healing this kind of long-term damage can take some time. However, those who quit will begin to feel results pretty soon after. The benefits of quitting smoking include:
Heart rate going back to normal
Improved breathing
Decreased risk of cancer and other diseases
Your chronic cough will begin to diminish
Taste and smell will improve
Circulation improvement
The benefits of quitting smoking are nearly endless, but the above are some of the most noticeable and impactful.