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Covid-Friendly Ways for Healthcare Workers to Celebrate the Holidays

It can be tough working winter holidays and missing Christmas morning with the family. We know our healthcare workers would rather be at home with family and friends, but we appreciate all of their hard work and everything they do to give care to our community patients and we want to share with them a few ways they can get into the holiday spirit while working at the hospital or nursing home.

Here are some wonderful Covid-friendly ways to celebrate the holidays this season while working that will for sure boost staff spirit and even cheer up the patients.

  • Covid-safe dessert exchange

A dessert exchange can still work during Covid-19 times. Each participant brings a few dozen desserts (separated into bags) and then leaves with a few dozen different items such as slices of Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, slices of coconut cake, cookies, brownies, fudge, pastries, candies, and more.

  • Decorate your workspace

Ask if you can decorate your workspace for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hannukah, New Year’s, or whatever winter holidays you celebrate. Use garland in the hallway, wreaths on the doors, lights wrapped around the doorways, and Christmas trees at the nurses’ station. It’s amazing how a little decoration can boost your spirit.

  • Play classic holiday music.

Holiday music boosts moods. It’s also a great way to create a holiday atmosphere if decorations aren’t allowed.

  • Covid-safe holiday celebration potluck

The CDC discourages potluck gatherings during the pandemic, but grab-and-go meals are ok. Do a grab-and-go style potluck where everyone brings their favorite holidays dishes to share in individually wrapped packages.

  • Play holiday movies

If the break room has a television, leave it on a holiday movie channel. Catching glimpses of treasured holiday classics is sure to boost spirits between care.

  • Do a gift exchange

Do a fun gift exchange with wacky gifts or a secret Santa gift exchange with your fellow nurses working the holidays.

  • Wear festive attire

Your place of work may not permit holiday-themed scrubs, but what about a fun Thanksgiving headband, Christmas socks, Christmas bell necklace, or a festive long-sleeve under your scrubs?

  • Collect donations for a local food pantry or adopting a Christmas angel

Help others celebrate the holidays by running a non-perishable food drive for a local charity or buy gifts to give a child in need. Decorate collection boxes with holiday themes.

Above all, make sure you follow your workplace’s protocol surrounding Covid-19 and that whatever you do you are able to provide the best quality patient care.





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