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Writer's pictureBrittney Chapman


It is essential to eat healthily and maintain a balanced diet. However, as you grow older, you might occasionally feel like you are losing your appetite, which could result from many different factors. If you are experiencing little to no appetite, consider the following reasons.


  1. STRESS Too much stress can lead to a host of problems. One of the most common is loss of appetite, which makes sense considering how many other physical symptoms stress causes like fatigue and headaches. Stress also affects your gut microbiome in negative ways that could make you feel nauseous or bloated more often than not.

  2. MEDICATION SIDE EFFECTS Many medications list "loss of appetite" as one potential side effect. If medication side effects make you lose your appetite, then talk with your doctor about possible solutions.

  3. DEPRESSION Depression can cause some people to eat less while others end up overeating due to emotional triggers for comfort eating. Loss of interest in food is usually associated with depression and a loss of pleasure from eating. If you or a loved one is suffering from depression, please speak with a professional.

  4. STOMACH DISORDERS Certain stomach disorders can cause you to lose your appetite too, which is one more good reason for those diagnosed with an illness like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) to see a doctor and follow their treatment plan.

  5. HORMONAL IMBALANCE So many factors play into appetite, and hormonal imbalances might be one that surprises you. Women, in particular, experience this issue when they enter menopause or anytime during perimenopause since the fluctuating hormones can cause them to feel hungrier than usual before their periods each month.

  6. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS USAGE Alcohol and drug usage can lead to loss of appetite too. This is especially common for people who suffer from addiction since the substance itself might cause them not to feel hungry or thirsty.

  7. GRIEF Grief can also lead to loss of appetite, which is entirely understandable after experiencing the death of someone close. People tend to eat less and lose weight during the first year of grief - usually gaining it back by the second anniversary (which indicates that they're starting to adjust emotionally). However, it is important to remember that grief can cause appetite loss, so don't be too concerned if you've lost your appetite after the death of a loved one.

  8. LACK OF SLEEP No one wants sleep deprivation, but it's something many people deal with in today's busy world. This lack of restful shut-eye makes some lose their appetite. In contrast, others might overeat without realizing it due to fatigue and changes in blood sugar levels throughout the day. In addition, too little sleep can lead to poor food choices or cravings for foods high in fat or carbohydrates - both of which increase the risk for obesity long-term. Eating disorders like binge eating disorder (BED) may also develop from chronic lack of quality sleep.

  9. TROUBLE WITH DIGESTION If you eat a lot of junk food or drink alcohol, then your digestive system might be having trouble processing it all. This can lead to indigestion, bloating, and gas that leaves some people feeling nauseous instead of hungry - which is why they lose their appetite.

  10. SMOKING CIGARETTES If someone wants to quit smoking cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapies are available like the patch, gum, lozenges, etc. But make sure not to use them for long periods. Otherwise, weight gain may occur since many smokers who try to stop using these products will eventually turn back to regular cigarettes because they become so addicted due to a lack of appetite.

  11. FEEL ANXIOUS? Anxiety can lead to loss of appetite, which is yet another reason for some people not to smoke. Smoking cigarettes will make them feel more relaxed and calm rather than nervous - even though it's harmful to the body. Anxiety attacks are a common trigger for those who suffer from anxiety disorders, too. Managing symptoms with therapy or medication might help you fight back to feeling strong again and having an appetite if this symptom has been impacting you lately.

  12. FOOD ALLERGIES AND SENSITIVITIES The next time you feel like your appetite is lower than normal, get checked out by a doctor to make sure it's not one of the many medical conditions which can cause an issue. Some people have food allergies or sensitivities that might be leading them to lose their appetites too.

  13. VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY You might be deficient in Vitamin B12 if you find yourself losing your appetite - especially when it's combined with other symptoms like weakness, tiredness, or sore tongue. This is a serious condition that requires treatment by way of injections which boost energy levels and helps to restore appetite, among other things. Avoid this problem altogether by eating meat regularly since the primary source comes from animals. Iron-fortified cereals are another great option too.

  14. INFECTIONS & INFLAMMATION IN THE BODY Infections can also lead people to lose their appetites due to inflammation throughout the body, causing them not to feel hungry. Still, there could be hidden infections inside that need medical attention instead of being left alone without any treatment since it could lead to more severe problems down the line.

These are just some of the many reasons people lose their appetites. There's always a cause for any symptom - even if you aren't sure what that is. Don't suffer in silence. Find out now before your appetite loss worsens. Make discovering an underlying condition easier on yourself by getting checked out by a doctor regularly.


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